
Karen uses many of the same tools and methods from her work with organizations to help individuals discover their core needs and desires. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, she helps clients get to the core of what motivates them and discover what truly matters to them most. Her enthusiasm, support, and professional insight have inspired clients to redesign their careers, enhance their relationships, and even transform their lives.

Co-Active© coaching

Unlike coaching approaches that focus on “fixing” clients, Co-Active coaching starts from the premise that, deep down, clients already know what’s best for themselves. The coaching process helps uncover that knowing through listening, encouragement, conversation, and accountability over time. Coaching sessions provide an ideal structure for those who are stuck or in transition, helping to energize and propel them forward in their personal and professional lives.

The benefits of personal and professional coaching include: fresh perspective on personal and professional challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence in life choices.